Lambda DNA-1600773001730
- Brand: Bangalore GeNei
- Catalog No.: 1600773001730
- Quantity/Unit: 300µg/Vial
- Availability: In stock
Min Orderable Qty : 1 Pack
For lab/research use only, unless otherwise specified
Lambda DNA is a product by Genei. Lambda DNA is isolated from an E.Coli phage lambda cl857 Sam 7, which is a lysogenic phage. The DNA is double-stranded and has about 48,502 base pairs and has a molecular weight of 31.5 * 10^6 Da. Lambda DNA has a special site called cos-site, which is formed by joining of the 3 and 5 overhangs at the cos ends.
Lambda DNA finds the following uses in laboratories:
(a) DNA ladder: Lambda DNA, once digested with restriction enzymes, can be used as a molecular weight marker for gel electrophoresis.
(b) It can also be used for studying the activity of restriction enzymes. In this application, the Lambda DNA is used as a substrate.
(c) It is also used in molecular cloning in recombinant DNA technology.
The Lambda DNA from Genei is isolated using caesium chloride density gradient block.
Product specifications:
Product name: Lambda DNA
Brand: Genei
Quantity: 300 g
Catalogue number: 1600773001730
Storage: -20 C
Price: Rs. 4,470.00